
About Raven

Visual artist, asexual, and survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Denizen of the Very Far North, so if we chat, be prepared for lots of bitching about the weather. Learning to kind of enjoy my newest incarnation as a slightly grouchy old woman

When Sexual Abuse Comes in the Form of Words

By | 2018-04-10T00:09:55-04:00 July 28th, 2015|Categories: By & For Ace Survivors, Child Sexual Abuse, Coping Strategies, Personal Narratives, Self Care, Sexual Harassment, Verbal Abuse|Tags: , , , , , , , |

One aspect of CSA that I don't see discussed very often is sexually charged verbal abuse. My experience with this is as a CSA survivor specifically, but I could also see where it could potentially be an issue for adult survivors of sexual violence well. In my own experience, the sexualized verbal abuse I was subjected to has actually been one of the hardest aspects to recover from long term.

Art and Recovery

By | 2018-04-10T03:55:57-04:00 July 7th, 2015|Categories: Art Therapy, By & For Ace Survivors, Coping Strategies, Personal Narratives, Recovery, Resilience, Self Care, Sharing, Therapy|Tags: , , , , |

People seem to think that therapeutic art is always about expressing your pain and negative feelings. While drawing out images of exactly what the pain and terror of abuse feels like can be cathartic and hugely helpful, art that is about joy, comfort, beauty and color can act as a sort of refuge.