Useful Apps & Websites

Useful Apps & Websites 2015-09-17T10:49:09-04:00

This page will be a working list of websites and apps. We welcome suggestions. Please also let us know if any recommendation on this page becomes outdated.


The following list was pulled from this post, and organized by type of app. Please keep in mind that these are others’ recommendations, and we have not tested each of these apps ourselves. Sometimes apps are subject to sudden changes such as price increases, removal, name changes, or adding auto-play advertisements (we removed one app from the list because of this). Please let us know if we need to update our list with any changes, add any notes survivors should know about any of these apps, or if you have any suggestions for apps to add to this list. Please note that many apps have very similar names, so a link to the specific one you mean is very helpful.



  • Gratitude Journal 365 (iPhone/iPad only, but Android has many apps with similar names and functions)
  • TherapyBuddy (iPhone/iPad, Android)
  • Everyday (iPhone/iPad only) – focused on daily selfies; may be unsuitable for those with body image issues or dysphoria


Please note: Meditation can be very helpful for some, but it is not suitable for everyone. It can trigger contemplative dissociation in some survivors, and those with breathing problems like asthma may be unable to do breath-focused meditation.

Mood Trackers:

Positive Affirmations:


  • PTSD Coach (iPhone/iPad, Android) – please note: this app is framed in all-veteran language, which may be a deal-breaker for some


  • ReachOut (Android only) – prompts you to stay in touch with people in your life
  • Take-a-Break (Android only) – prompts you to take breaks and exercise at set intervals. (please note: there is a different iOS-only app with the same name listed above under Meditation)

Sharing Thoughts & Comfort

  • comfort spot (iPhone/iPadAndroid) – allows you to anonymously share feelings, and give and receive comfort.

Suicidal Thoughts:

White Noise:


Items you can buy, print, or save to your computer

This will be a list of websites featuring items related to self-care or recovery that you can buy, print, or save to your computer for later use. If you have any suggestions, please let us know!

White Noise

Here is a list of websites that provide white noise and calming imagery, originally posted here. Pressing F11 will make your browser window full screen.

  1. Rainymood – Allows you to play rain, with suggestions of ambient music to play at the same time. Has an iOS and Android app.
  2. Calm – A visually beautiful website. Provides moving backgrounds and an option for guided calm which allows you to immerse yourself in the music and to relax. Has a free app for iPhone and Android.
  3. Showertime – The experience of taking a shower without the water. Allows you to control features such as length of shower, size of room, water pressure, etc.
  4. Coffitivity – The background noise of a coffee shop. Allows you to choose between different locations such as lunchtime lounge, morning murmur  etc. Has an app for iOS and Android as well as a desktop app for OS X.
  5. Soundrown – A website with a sleek minimalist design, allows you to choose between rain, coffee shop, ocean, fire, bird noises, or a combination of the five.
  6. Relaxing Snow – Visually beautiful falling snow, the website gives you the opinion to play music with the scenery, or to choose your own.
  7. Raining.Fm – This website gives you the ability to adjust the rain to exactly how you’d like it, with options to tweak thunder, rain and storm noises. Has an app for iOS and Android, as well as a timer and snooze option.
  8. Rain For Me – Simple rain effects with the option to download the audio files for offline listening.
  9. Snowy Mood – Inspired by Rainy Mood, this website really makes you feel like it’s winter. Perfect for playing while snuggled up in a warm bed.
  10. Rainy Cafe – Combines the sounds of a bustling cafe setting with the sounds of drizzling rain. Allows you to select the volume of each setting, or turn one off completely.
  11. Furry Friend — a relaxing purring noise generator, also available as an iOS app