
Projects 2017-02-08T00:12:54-05:00

Below is a list of projects we run (or plan to run). For more information about any of these projects, or to find out how to get involved, please contact us.

♠ The List

More than ten people have volunteered to work behind-the-scenes to talk to fellow survivors in times of crisis. These people are collectively known as members of The List. Our List FAQ page gives more information about how this works, and how to volunteer. We will be expanding The List in the near future to offer an alternative channel to talk with volunteers, outside of tumblr.

Status: Ongoing

♣ Multi-Author Blog

We have just launched a new multi-author WordPress blog in addition to the tumblr blog already in operation. We are currently recruiting new writers to join our blogging team. Please see our contribute page for more information. If you’d like to volunteer, please do so by sending an email to (or if you’d also like to be involved with other projects, to We will ask for a writing sample and a few ideas for posts you’d like to write. You can choose a new pseudonym if you’d be more comfortable that way. Single submissions can be posted anonymously.

Status: Ongoing

♦ Tumblr

The Resources for Ace Survivors tumblr blog is run by Queenie. While its content will, for the most part, mirror the main site, there will also be reblogs of additional (non-ace-specific) resources. You can also send in a question via our ask box, submit blog posts or other helpful resources, or volunteer for or connect with someone on The List.

Status: Ongoing

♥ Support Forum

We have a private discussion forum for survivors to talk to and provide support for one another. If you would like to join, please fill out our invite request form, and the next available mod will send you an invite code. It’s completely acceptable to use a pseudonym, and if you’re worried about sharing your email address, we encourage you to make a new email account that you use for the forum. Invite codes are automatically generated and sent to the email address that you provide by our forum software, so sometimes they might get caught in your email’s spam filter. If you sent a request a while ago and still haven’t receive an invite code, please check in with us by emailing

Please check out our rules before you post. These rules apply to both the forum and comments made publicly on our blog.

We are looking for ace-spectrum survivors who have progressed in their recovery enough to handle the potentially demanding job of moderating the forum. If you’re inexperienced in moderation, that’s okay! We will instruct you on how to moderate. If you want to apply to be a moderator, please join our forum and post in the moderator volunteer thread, or send us an email at

You can see a list of our current mods and their usernames on our Team page.

Status: Ongoing, Testing

♠ Recommended Reading List

A list of notable posts about asexuality and sexual violence. How to contribute: you can suggest a resource or article for the recommended reading list. As part of building this site, we are collecting links to create lists of articles and resources relevant to survivors more generally.

Status: Ongoing

♣ #by ace survivors for ace survivors

A project for collecting writing by ace survivors for other ace survivors. Please view the original by ace survivors for ace survivors call post here. This is a subset of our blog projects, so please check our contribute page for more information on how to contribute.

Status: Ongoing

♦ Ace-Competent Therapists Project

The Ace-Competent Therapists Project is a multi-pronged effort to both educate therapists (along with other care providers) about asexuality, and connect ace-spectrum people with educated, ace-friendly therapists. We aim to:

  • Provide educational resources (pamphlets, articles, etc.)
  • Promote or conduct research on the difficulties asexual-spectrum people (especially survivors) have with therapists, and how it impacts treatment/recovery
  • Create a database of ace-friendly therapists
  • Create a system to confidentially connect ace people seeking therapy with ace-friendly therapists
  • Work with other organizations providing similar services to implement this, and include tags for ace-competent therapists in their systems

This is a very large project, and we will not be able to complete it without a lot of help. Contact us to inquire about the Ace-Competent Therapists Project, and we will tell you how to get involved.

Status: Planned

♥ Art Gallery

We are collecting artwork and photography by survivors related to recovery, resilience, processing trauma, and affirming one’s identity as ace-spectrum and/or a survivor (or however else you identify). The submission process is the same as for writing. Please check out our contribute page to learn more.

Status: Planned