
Volunteer 2017-02-08T00:18:41-05:00

There are several different ways you can help us out. Below, we list specific areas we are looking for help with, but please note that these are not the only ways to help. If you want to volunteer but feel you can’t do any of the things on this list, you can still send us an email (at info@asexualsurvivors.org) and we will figure out a way for you to help.


We are always seeking writing contributions for our blog, as well as static pages for our site. You can send a single submission, write for us on a regular basis, or write for us occasionally. The topic can be anything you feel would benefit ace survivors to read. For more information and some prompts, please check out our contribute page. To submit, send an email to submit@asexualsurvivors.org.


We will operate an online discussion forum for people to discuss issues specific to ace survivors; it is currently in a testing phase. As with every forum, we need people to moderate it. If you’re inexperienced in moderation, that’s okay! We will instruct you on how to moderate the forums. If you want to apply to be a moderator, send us an email at volunteer@asexualsurvivors.org.

The List (Supporting Other Survivors)

If you are an ace or questioning survivor and you’re willing to talk to other ace survivors who come to us seeking help, we can put you on The List, which is a resource for ace survivors to turn to when they want to talk to someone with similar experiences. You can find more information at our List FAQ. To volunteer for The List, you can send an email to volunteer@asexualsurvivors.org, queenieofaces [at] gmail.com, or send Queenie a message through tumblr. Please note: you do not have to be on tumblr to volunteer for The List; we are implementing a new way to communicate with survivors who need someone to talk to through this website.

Ace-Competent Therapists Database

We also are starting to create a list of ace-friendly therapists, medical providers, crisis centers or other organizations, and other professionals so that we can connect ace survivors with any local resources that may be available to them. To add your information to this list (or recommend a therapist for inclusion), please send an email to info@asexualsurvivors.org. We are also looking for people and organizations interested in affiliating with us to develop this project. If you are interested in volunteering to help out with this project in the future, please let us know.


We host variety of special projects related to ace survivors. If you would like to help out with one of these ongoing projects or would like to partner with us to start a new one, please send an email to volunteer@asexualsurvivors.org.

Web Consulting

This is an entirely survivor-run organization, and we are not web design/development professionals. If you are a web developer and you have extra time to spare, you can volunteer to be a consultant for us to help resolve specific technical problems we might run into. We will be running both WordPress and Vanilla forum software, so we are especially in need of people who are well-versed in PHP. If you are interested in occasionally helping us out, please let us know by sending an email to webmaster@asexualsurvivors.org. Please also use this email for notifying us of any problems with the site, like broken links.