
Friday Question – Yes and No

By | 2016-04-01T16:21:43-04:00 December 18th, 2015|Categories: Questions|Tags: , , |

Verbal assertion affects many parts of our lives. Whether we want to speak or voice an opinion, whether it be raising a hand to propose an answer to a complex problem or refusing a drink refill, it can be momentarily panicking to make a decision. We make so many decisions every day, more than we can probably mentally spend time being conscious of. Many things we choose to do are automatic. Others we think about very carefully. It can be just as hard to give or refuse yourself permission to do something, as it can be to give or refuse someone else permission to do something. Understanding the scope of the power of our words, our right to speak, and our right to set boundaries and be respected — that is a beginning foundation of successful communication.