
Why It’s Okay to Refuse Therapy

By | 2018-04-10T02:11:07-04:00 June 30th, 2015|Categories: Abuse, Asexuality & Mental Health, By & For Ace Survivors, Education, For Professionals, Medical & Therapist Abuse, Personal Narratives, Sharing, Therapy|Tags: , , , , , , |

Medical professionals of all kinds are well known for abusing every marginalized group known to humanity, and therapists are no exception. But we are told to get over it or told to "find another doctor." So for all of the people out there who feel that therapy is toxic: I'm making room for your narrative in the survivor discourse. It's okay to refuse therapy. It's okay to be hostile towards medical personnel, especially when they have abused you. It's okay to talk about your horrible experiences with therapy.

Playing on HELL MODE

By | 2018-04-09T02:36:55-04:00 June 30th, 2015|Categories: Asexuality & Mental Health, Personal Narratives|

When I tell people I have PTSD, I think they have a very particular image in their head of what that’s like--PTSD is a (male) veteran waking up from nightmares of the war, drenched in sweat. The problem is, while that might be what PTSD is like for a very particular subset of the population, that’s not what PTSD is like for me at all.

What is Resilience?

By | 2018-04-12T01:43:35-04:00 June 19th, 2015|Categories: Asexuality & Mental Health, By & For Ace Survivors, Recovery, Resilience, Self Care|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Resilience is the ability to recover from really tough, painful situations. But there's so much more depth to it than that. There are several components that are thought to contribute to overall resilience. Each of these is a skill that can be developed, or a practice that's built up based on skills that can be developed. This isn't the kind of thing that you either have or you don't. Everyone has some degree of resilience. And it's something you can always improve.

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